4. Colors: A writing prompt / 4. Värit: Kirjoitusharjoitus

(EN) In the eye of a human, a color is not "just a color". Colors can awake different mind-images and feelings within us. Just like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", these feelings aren't something that colors themselves possess; we are the ones who add these abstract links and meanings to them. The writing prompt of the day: Select some color and observe it. What feelings and/or thoughts does it awake in you? Write based on those sensations. You can use the colors at the end of the post; however, you are naturally free to use other colors. As usual, you are welcome to share your results in the comments section! You can also share your opinions on colors in general: say, what color is your favorite? (FI) Ihmisten silmissä väri ei ole "vain väri". Värit pystyvät herättelemään erilaisia mielikuvia ja tunteita meissä. Aivan kuten "kauneus on katsojan silmissä", nämä tunteet eivät ole värien omia ominaisuuksia; me itse luomme nämä a...