7. Write a haiku or senryū poem / 7. Kirjoita haiku- tai senryū-runo

(En) Haiku and senryū poems usually follow this syllable structure : 1. line has 5 syllables 2. line has 7 syllables 3. line has 5 syllables. You do not need to be worried about rhymes. A haiku poem typically describes the nature and surroundings without trying to be clever or witty. Haiku poems are excellent for practicing mindfulness and grounding to this precise moment. Senry ū poems , in turn, can be witty and describe the human nature — or other topics which aren't suitable for haiku poetry. The writing prompt : Write haiku and/or senryū poetry. If you want to check the syllables, there are automatic calculators for that: for English poetry, you can use e.g. this one . You can listen to calm music while writing. One example is below. (FI) Haiku ja senryū ovat runomuotoja, jotka noudattavat yleensä tätä tavurakennetta: 1. rivillä on 5 tavua 2. rivillä on 7 tavua 3. rivillä on 5 tavua Kummassakaan muodossa ei tarvitse huolehti...