
10. A writing prompt: My dearest friend / 10. Kirjoitusharjoitus: Rakas ystäväni

(EN) Valentine’s Day is approaching—there’s no better time for writing a text for appreciating someone close to you! You do not need to share the text with anyone, but you can use this as an opportunity for spreading positive vibes around! ❤️ You can find a printable Valentine’s Day card over my other blogger ! (FI) Ystävänpäivä lähestyy—nyt olisi loistava aika kirjoittaa lähimmäisestäsi lämmin teksti! Sinun ei tarvitse jakaa tekstiäsi kenellekään, mutta tämä on oiva tilaisuus levittää positiivista tunnelmaa ympärillesi! ❤️ Voit löytää tulostettavan ystävänpäiväkortin toisesta bloggeristani !

9. A writing prompt: Mindfulness / 9. Kirjoitusharjoitus: Mindfulness

(EN) Writing is an excellent way to practice some mindfulness. Mindfulness, in turn, may spice up your writing by pushing you to write vivid descriptions of different sensations and perceptions. Here are some ideas to get you started: Focus on eating a piece of chocolate or fruit. Try to describe the tastes, structures, etc. as precisely as you can. Listen to the purring of a cat . Try to describe the sound and the way it makes you feel. Scan your body from your toes to your head. What kinds of sensations do you notice? Write your observations down. How do you feel currently? Write your observations down. Describe smells and scents around you (you can e.g. fetch a bottle of some aromatic oil). The image above can be found as a coloring page over my other blogger ! (FI) Kirjoittaminen on mainio tapa harjoitella mindfulness-taitoja. Mindfulness puolestaan maustaa kirjoittamista, sillä se puskee kirjoittamaan eläväisiä kuvauksia erilaisista tuntemuksista ja havainnoist...

8. A writing prompt: Randomness / 8. Kirjoitusharjoitus: Satunnaisuus

(EN) Randomness goes from a chicken creating a melody to lava lamps being used to encrypt data . Today, the writing prompt challenges you to depict and/or contemplate randomness. You can e.g. Write your definition of randomness Take a book, open it and pick the first word you see; then include the word in a story. Use a random generator for creating characters, names, places... The Internet is full of such generators, so you can use your favorite search engine to find one. Toss a coin to make a real-life decision, do as the results say and analyze your experiences through writing. You can find the picture above as a coloring page over my other blog , by the way! (FI) Satunnaisuus ilmenee niin kanan luomassa melodiassa kuin kryptaustekniikassa, jossa käytetään laavalamppuja (englanninkielinen teksti) . Tänään kirjoitusharjoitus haastaa sinut kuvaamaan ja/tai pohtimaan satunnaisuutta. Voit esim. Kirjoittaa oman määritelmäsi satunnaisuudesta Ottaa kirjan, avata sen j...

7. Write a haiku or senryū poem / 7. Kirjoita haiku- tai senryū-runo

(En) Haiku and senryū poems usually follow this syllable structure : 1. line has 5 syllables 2. line has 7 syllables 3. line has 5 syllables. You do not need to be worried about rhymes. A haiku poem typically describes the nature and surroundings without trying to be clever or witty. Haiku poems are excellent for practicing mindfulness and grounding to this precise moment. Senry ū poems , in turn, can be witty and describe the human nature — or other topics which aren't suitable for haiku poetry. The writing prompt : Write haiku and/or senryū poetry. If you want to check the syllables, there are automatic calculators for that: for English poetry, you can use e.g. this one . You can listen to calm music while writing. One example is below. (FI) Haiku ja senryū ovat runomuotoja, jotka noudattavat yleensä tätä tavurakennetta: 1. rivillä on 5 tavua 2. rivillä on 7 tavua 3. rivillä on 5 tavua Kummassakaan muodossa ei tarvitse huolehti...

6. 20 "What if" questions: A writing prompt / 6. 20 "entä jos"-kysymystä: Kirjoitusharjoitus

(EN) I received this book as a gift last Christmas: " Do You Ever Ask Yourself What If? — a list of hypothetical questions to spark your imagination & inspire creativity " ( Typo, can be found here ). The book has 120 questions which you, as the owner of the book, can answer. Most of the questions are intentionally silly and light-hearted, but it is up to you how seriously you answer to them. You can also imagine being someone else and answer the questions as that person. I'm not going to spoil the questions of the book here, though (that would be unfair to the creator of the book). The book has approximately 60 pages which you can use to form your own questions and answers, one question and answer per page. Here are 20 questions that you can use (with that book or without it): What if... ... You saw your FB avatar in a random dating ad? How would you feel and what would you do? ... You had to give up 10 items? Which items would they be, and why? ... You ...

5. Sounds: A writing prompt / 5. Äänet: Kirjoitusharjoitus

(EN) Even though the image above shows a piece of sheet music, I do not ask you to play it in order to do this writing prompt (unless you want inspiration for utter chaos. That's because I placed the notes on the lines randomly). Moreover, music isn't the theme of this post this time. The theme is sounds . Sounds are a central element in many forms of media: say, movies and video games would easily feel lacking without it in the background. Sometimes, the surrounding natural voices are enough while the video recording goes; but quite often, these natural sounds aren't enough. Sounds may need to be exaggerated, even through manners which may sound funny: e.g. using coconuts to make the listener believe that a horse is walking ( this link leads to a site which is unfortunately only in Finnish, but the video shows a foley artist making such sounds). The prompt is to write based on sound effects . I've picked some sounds from the Freesound account of Yle , the Finn...

4. Colors: A writing prompt / 4. Värit: Kirjoitusharjoitus

(EN) In the eye of a human, a color is not "just a color". Colors can awake different mind-images and feelings within us. Just like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", these feelings aren't something that colors themselves possess; we are the ones who add these abstract links and meanings to them. The writing prompt of the day: Select some color and observe it. What feelings and/or thoughts does it awake in you? Write based on those sensations. You can use the colors at the end of the post; however, you are naturally free to use other colors. As usual, you are welcome to share your results in the comments section! You can also share your opinions on colors in general: say, what color is your favorite? (FI) Ihmisten silmissä väri ei ole "vain väri". Värit pystyvät herättelemään erilaisia mielikuvia ja tunteita meissä. Aivan kuten "kauneus on katsojan silmissä", nämä tunteet eivät ole värien omia ominaisuuksia; me itse luomme nämä a...